Search Strategies Services Price List

Searching and suggesting evidence-based  topics

Price: 21000(Toman)

Subject indexing of the end of book

Price: 140000(Toman) for every 5 pages

Choosing keywords on the basis of technical thesaurus

Price: 28000(Toman) for each abstract

Searching free and documented keywords

Price: 168000(Toman) for searching each data base

Developing search strategy based on the data base policy

Price: 168000(Toman)  for each data base

Suggesting journals for publishing based on abstract or article

Price: 42000(Toman) for each article

Searching articles on the basis of keywords

Price: 9000(Toman)

Searching text books

Price: 4000(Toman)

Providing reference lists on the basis of reference managers

Price: 700(Toman) for each reference

Formatting journal styles on the basis of journal style

Price: 28000(Toman) for each style